We offer you various services of O.E.M. (Original Equipment Manufacturing or Manufacturer) such as supply of textile and secondary material, sewing garments under our network among EU, East Asia and China on right time in the right place.
- We operate supply of textile, secondary materials and arrangement of sewing process mainly in Jiangsu and Guangzhou Provinces, near Shanghai China. Our every operation is under direct-trading, in order to keep all procedures under our control.
Moreover, we have exclusive production lines in our corporative factories in Shanghai for recent requirements; productions under small lot, various items and short term.
- In Japan, we have exclusive lines in our corporative factories situated in Tohoku and Gifu areas that have made a high level of product differentiation "made in Japan".
- We made inroads into Turkey the main supplier of European textile and products before Turkey became one of the world the clothing industry.
We are able to provide you from supply of materials to sewing all the way with outstanding ideas, industrial designs and high supply capability developed by the European effect.
- ■ EU
- We provide you textile made in Italy, sewing in Italy and Romania suitable for demands of sophisticated designs and high quality of material and products
We operate third-country trade such as export EU textile to Chinese sewing factory, and then import the sewed products to Japan. We also handle other operations flexibly on which satisfy your requirements.